In Summer of 2018, I had the chance to study abroad in Seoul, South Korea. My team and I worked on a four week project for an on-the-go brand that sells Makoli (unfiltered Korean rice wine). We chose a unique approach to advertise a product that is not well known internationally. Makoli is an all natural wine that is beneficial to your health that is made with water, wheat (Nuruk), and rice.

Brand Philosophy and story by James Hemus.
Brand Purpose and Presentation arrangement by Rebecca Kay and Stephanie Guerrero.
Marketing and Promotional Sales by Elyse Yim and Aubrey Wang.
Logo Sketches and early development by Elyse Yim and Wooseop Lee.
Logo color studies by Steve Martinez.
Tagline by James Hemus.
Finalized Logo design by Stephanie Guerrero.
Brand Name by Steve Martinez.

Supporting Visuals and Animal Friends by Stephanie Guerrero and Steve Martinez.
Packaging Bottle design by Rebecca Kay.
Promotional Items by Stephanie Guerrero and Steve Martinez.
Makoli Trucks by Wooseop Lee.